
Attention should be paid to spraying pesticides Learn more about Attention should be paid to spraying pesticides

  • What matters should be paid attention to when spraying pesticides on flowers in the greenhouse?

    What matters should be paid attention to when spraying pesticides on flowers in the greenhouse?

    What matters should be paid attention to when spraying pesticides on flowers in the greenhouse?

  • What should be paid attention to when spraying pesticides to control diseases, insects and weeds in summer? Which pesticides can be mixed?

    What should be paid attention to when spraying pesticides to control diseases, insects and weeds in summer? Which pesticides can be mixed?

    In the process of agricultural production, it is often attacked by some germs, insect pests and weeds, which leads to the decrease of yield, the deterioration of quality and the reduction of harvest and economic loss to farmers. Therefore, attention should be paid to spraying pesticides to control diseases, insects and weeds in summer.

    2020-11-09 Attention should be paid to spraying pesticides preventing and curing diseases insects and weeds in summer.
  • What problems should be paid attention to when using pesticides in summer?

    What problems should be paid attention to when using pesticides in summer?

    What problems should be paid attention to when using pesticides in summer?

  • What should be paid attention to in the application of biological pesticides?

    What should be paid attention to in the application of biological pesticides?

    What should be paid attention to in the application of biological pesticides? How can bio-pesticides improve their efficacy? Also ask experienced netizens to help introduce that biopesticide is a preparation that uses living organisms (fungi, bacteria, insect viruses, genetically modified organisms, natural enemies, etc.) or their metabolites to kill or inhibit agricultural pests.

  • What should be paid attention to in the late management of rice?

    What should be paid attention to in the late management of rice?

    What should be paid attention to in the late management of rice? Please introduce the following points to be paid attention to in the late management of rice: do not increase the dosage of pesticides blindly, it will increase the cost of pest control and cause drug damage to crops. In addition, pesticides must pay attention to the current use, to prevent the occurrence of chemistry between pesticides.

  • What should be paid attention to when spraying fruit trees in high temperature weather in summer?

    What should be paid attention to when spraying fruit trees in high temperature weather in summer?

    There are many fruits on the market in summer, and it is also the most difficult time for growers to manage, because the temperature is very high, it is easy to cause rotten fruit and no fruit caused by some insect pests. At this time, some chemicals have to be sprayed to reduce the invasion of insect pests.

    2020-11-08 Summer high temperature weather fruit trees spraying should pay attention to there are
  • What should be paid attention to in the control of rice diseases and insect pests?

    What should be paid attention to in the control of rice diseases and insect pests?

    What should be paid attention to in the control of rice diseases and insect pests? The object of prevention and control should take corresponding pesticide control according to the different kinds of diseases and insect pests in the field. When pesticides are mixed, the content of pesticides should be made clear, especially for the control of neck blast. There are two dosage forms of tricyclazole, which should not be mistaken. Don't increase it at will.

  • Rice diseases and insect pests: what should be paid attention to in the control of rice diseases and insect pests in the later stage?

    Rice diseases and insect pests: what should be paid attention to in the control of rice diseases and insect pests in the later stage?

    What should be paid attention to in the control of diseases and insect pests in the later stage of rice? Please guide the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in the later stage of rice need to pay attention to the following points: the control object should be specific to the different types of diseases and insect pests in the field, take the corresponding pesticide control. When pesticides are mixed, the content of pesticides should be made clear, especially in the prevention and control of neck blast.

  • Attention should be paid to spraying fruit before ripening.

    Attention should be paid to spraying fruit before ripening.

    The banned pesticides are 1605, methyl 1605, fenitrothion, monocrotophos, methamidophos, triathion, omethoate, zinc phosphide, aluminum phosphide, carbofuran, formearsine, chlordimeform, aldicarb, lindane and other pesticides. Dicofol can not be used in fruit trees because of its high residue of DDT. Note that the last spray in the safety period should not be less than 7 days from harvest: 50% dichlorvos EC, 40% dimethoate EC, 50% carbendazim wettable powder, 50% prohydantoin wettable powder, 20% chlorphenicol.

  • What should be paid attention to when using fungicides?

    What should be paid attention to when using fungicides?

    What should be paid attention to when using fungicides? The following points should be paid attention to when using fungicides: first, the properties of fungicides should be made clear when choosing fungicides. There are two types of fungicides. One is protective agents, which are used to prevent plant disease, such as Bordeaux solution, mancozeb, carbendazim, etc.

  • What should be paid attention to in the later stage of planting rice?

    What should be paid attention to in the later stage of planting rice?

    What should be paid attention to in the later stage of planting rice? Please give an introduction to the following aspects that should be paid attention to in the later stage of planting rice: 1. Water management in the later stage: do a good job in field water management, ensure smooth heading and flowering, maintain root activity, and ensure smooth filling. Keep deep water in the field at booting stage, but it is not suitable to irrigate deep water at one time.

  • What should we pay attention to when applying foliar fertilizer in tea garden?

    What should we pay attention to when applying foliar fertilizer in tea garden?

    What should we pay attention to when applying foliar fertilizer in tea garden? Please guide the application of foliar fertilizer in tea garden to pay attention to the following points: (1) the mixed use of foliar fertilizer and pesticide, pay attention to the chemical properties of pesticide and foliar fertilizer, whether the mixture produces sedimentation, discoloration and so on. (2) attention should be paid to the alternation of different fertilizers and the combined use of various fertilizers. (3).

  • What should be paid attention to in the control of rice leaf roller?

    What should be paid attention to in the control of rice leaf roller?

    What should be paid attention to in the control of rice leaf roller? Please give guidance on the control of Cnaphalocrocis medinalis, first of all to know the control time. The control time is determined through the progress of insect state development and the growth and decline dynamics of adults under the lamp, referring to the insect state calendar, combined with medium-and short-term weather forecast. In order to make sure that you can really handle it.

  • What should be paid attention to in chemical weeding?

    What should be paid attention to in chemical weeding?

    What should be paid attention to in chemical weeding? Please introduce chemical herbicides with strong selectivity and specificity. The technical requirements of its use are more stringent than pesticides and fungicides, and improper use often causes drug damage. In order to give full play to the role of herbicides in agricultural production, attention should be paid to the following seven points. ...

  • Scientific spraying of insecticides

    Scientific spraying of insecticides

    In order to achieve the best insecticidal effect in the use of pesticides to control crop pests, in addition to the correct selection and appropriate use of pesticides, special attention should be paid to the following two problems that are easy to be ignored. According to the harmful parts of pests, different pesticides and different application methods should be selected and delivered in place. Such as to harm.

  • Pesticide application technology of pollution-free vegetables

    Pesticide application technology of pollution-free vegetables

    Pesticide application technology of pollution-free vegetables

  • The use of green fodder should be cautious, and six points should be paid attention to in raising geese and feeding green.

    The use of green fodder should be cautious, and six points should be paid attention to in raising geese and feeding green.

    The use of green fodder should be cautious, and six points should be paid attention to in raising geese and feeding green.

  • How much does a citrus sapling cost at the moment? When to plant and blossom? What should be paid attention to in planting? mu

    How much does a citrus sapling cost at the moment? When to plant and blossom? What should be paid attention to in planting? mu

    Citrus is a kind of fruit tree, refers to orange, orange, pomelo, orange, etc., also known as wide skin orange, tangerine, orange, dahongpao, red tangerine. How much does an orange tree cost now? When to plant and blossom? What should be paid attention to in planting? How much per mu? I learned from Uncle Hu, a farmer in Nanning

  • Key points for attention in the use of bacterial biological insecticides

    Key points for attention in the use of bacterial biological insecticides

    Bacterial biological insecticide has the advantages of high insecticidal rate, no environmental pollution, safe to natural enemies, harmless to human and animal, and does not induce resistance to pests. It is a new type of protective agent popularized and used in pollution-free cultivation at present. Because its control effect mainly depends on the activity of bacteria in the agent, attention should be paid to its use.

  • How to prevent and cure the drug damage of Schisandra chinensis

    How to prevent and cure the drug damage of Schisandra chinensis

    In recent years, the chemical harm of a large number of Schisandra chinensis plants planted in various places has occurred from time to time, the light ones reduced the yield, and the heavy ones caused the total yield and harvest in the whole garden, which should be paid enough attention to. The common acute drug damage of Schisandra chinensis is mainly caused by improper application and pesticide drift. The drug damage of Schisandra chinensis caused by pesticide drift is mainly caused by the use of 2mae 4muryl D herbicide in corn and wheat fields. Wu Zhongsheng planted 100 mu of Schisandra chinensis in Xiagou Village, Wangshi Town, Haicheng City, and suffered drug damage caused by the drift of 2meme 4muryl D butyl ester, resulting in the total yield and harvest of the whole garden that year. Effect of Schisandra chinensis on herbicide 2pm 4
